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Showing posts from May, 2023


"Quiet the mind and the soul will speak"  -Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati To find God, we must be still. To find the core of life, along with our problems, is to be still. Stillness is when the mind become motionless, and we become one with life around us. In this state of being or consciousness, we realize the true beauty in life and that this experience on Earth is just that, an experience.   We’ve been granted a gift from the heavens with this very moment and the faculties to go with it but, in today’s culture, we are always in a rush to get to the next thing rather than enjoying the present moment and the gifts it holds. We are always in motion within either the mind or the body (a lot of times both) and never take the time to sit and breathe. We don’t take the time for self-intervention which can negatively impact our health. We are driven by success and are goal-oriented so much to that point in which we won’t stop till the goals are accomplished. Though it is good to set goals