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Showing posts from July, 2024

What I've Learned from Art...

  "Just know the Earth is just a rock without the voices of Art..." -Kendrick Lamar As I continue to grow and evolve, especially on the spiritual path, I start to truly realize the power and impact of creativity and art.  At this point in life, however, I look back and reflect on life and the opportunities in front of me and realize how important art really is to not only myself but to all of humanity.  Art has been a catalyst for human evolution since the first day man has walked Earth. It has been a medium in which we influence each other, exchange ideas and stimulate growth within ourselves and all throughout humanity. I realized that it is our true nature to create and generate new ideas through various forms and activities. We are creators by design! We aren't mere animals that just survive and consume. With every action, we send out a shockwave of energy that shifts reality. Our actions are what creates the world around us, the Word of God lies within each tongue on