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 Hello beautiful souls! Welcome to the Mind Is Mine blog. My name is Houston Himes, a Mystic Psychologist with the desire to transcend consciousness for the evolution of humanity. In 2020, I realized this desire in the midst of a profound spiritual awakening that has shifted my life for the better. Through my growth, I've experienced many realizations that propelled me to envision world changing and world building services that'll change the course of humanity forever. As I continue on this journey, I want to open the doors of transcendence to all of humanity and usher in the next phase our of reality that is realized from within. 

This blog is a tool to spread awareness of Mind Is Mine and its mission to stimulate a collective awakening of the greatness that lies within us all. We are all one. We are all one with the Creator. We ARE the Creator. This profound truth can revolutionize the way we see ourselves and move as individuals and, eventually, as a collective. But this truth is first realized within the conscious awareness we bring to our being.

The mind is the greatest tool known to man. Our finite minds are connected to the infinite mind of the all-encompassing One Spirit or God. The spiritual uses the mental capacity as a medium to manifest its vision and ideas to crystalize onto the physical realm. We all have our own Spirit that seeks to grow and create in its own way through the gift of individuality, but also helps the collective at the same time. What we see and think becomes reality. However, these ideas and thoughts we have been manifesting as pain, suffering, hate, war, and as many more negative energies lately; which means the mind can be used as the greatest weapon and dehumanize man when not in balance.

 We all hold special gifts, but most are unaware of these gifts and misuse the God-given tools and skills for earthly, finite pleasures that hold no substance in the longevity of our lives. We must return to our center within and change our reality from there. Reality will never change if we seek change around us. Mind Is Mine sets a foundation to be the change we want and need to see in the world. 

The Vision

We see a balanced world where humanity has transcended the suffering of the mind and has integrated it as the tool it truly is to create the life we all truly deserve as individuals and a collective. Through transcending consciousness, we help usher in a new era of humanity living and creating on a level that reflects our infinite, sacred nature. 

The Mission

Mind Is Mine ensures guidance through the process of self-realization and awareness to owning your mind and discovering the truth that lies within your endless potential. Our mission is to help the individual understand the mind and it's purpose as the greatest tool in existence. We promote a positive use of the mind rather than continuing the mind using us as "means to an end" towards short-term pleasures that causes dissatisfaction, depression, anxiety, overthinking, and a lack of direction in one's life. We offer help to those that struggle with unbalance within themselves because we want to help unlock the highest potential within each individual which reflects onto the collective population and all elements of the Earth. We are here to guide humanity, through transcendence, to a New Earth that must be found within first. 

The journey of this business is everlasting and will never slow down. The true nature of humanity is infinite, we provide the guidance to see it. But in the end, it is the individual that truly unlocks this truth, we are only support, not the answer. the answer is YOU! Together, we can accept and, simultaneously, transcend the suffering that has burdened us for eons and finally move towards the next chapter of humanity that is on the horizon. 

LOVE is how we grow!


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