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Showing posts from October, 2023

Adversity Has a Purpose

Today, as individuals and as a collective, adversity is a constant we all face in this world. Many of us, however, want to avoid the challenges life brings us and to take the easy route to success or to solve any problems. This cannot be the case, especially when we face challenges towards certain goals we desire to accomplish. Perhaps the problem isn't the challenges and obstacles but rather our perception of adversity and what it truly is. If adversity is a constant, no matter who or where you are, then it must serve a purpose by some means.  What if I told you, no matter the challenge you face, adversity has a purpose within our lives? That it may be a tool for growth rather than something to bring us down? Adversity comes in many shapes and sizes. You could have relationship issues with family or a significant other that causes arguments and disagreements. You could be facing challenges within the workplace when work becomes stressful or not seeing eye to eye with coworkers or