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Adversity Has a Purpose

Today, as individuals and as a collective, adversity is a constant we all face in this world. Many of us, however, want to avoid the challenges life brings us and to take the easy route to success or to solve any problems. This cannot be the case, especially when we face challenges towards certain goals we desire to accomplish. Perhaps the problem isn't the challenges and obstacles but rather our perception of adversity and what it truly is. If adversity is a constant, no matter who or where you are, then it must serve a purpose by some means. 

What if I told you, no matter the challenge you face, adversity has a purpose within our lives? That it may be a tool for growth rather than something to bring us down? Adversity comes in many shapes and sizes. You could have relationship issues with family or a significant other that causes arguments and disagreements. You could be facing challenges within the workplace when work becomes stressful or not seeing eye to eye with coworkers or management. Just before you reach your goal, obstacles may arise at the most inconvenient time. While it may be frustrating to go through these tough times, they serve us in ways that we cannot imagine. 

Many of us can look at the adversity we face in life and ask in distress, "Why is this happening to me?" as if we're being punished in some way. Adversity isn't a punishment at all! Instead, it serves as medicine, a catalyst to grow stronger and wiser through our experiences. All we need to do is shift our perception and allow ourselves to realize the truth behind the challenges we face. With adversity comes change, sometimes it's change we aren't prepared for and wish for things to be the same. 

I've faced adversity all my life, but it wasn't till recently did I start to welcome whatever challenges confront me within the given experience. Through trial and error, I saw the challenges as a steppingstone to become someone greater than before. Instead of resisting, I saw an immense opportunity in front of me to level up in life. 

God doesn't give us anything we cannot handle. Life is perspective. Adversity can be a very spiritual experience for us. It can help us find the spiritual or go deeper within our already recognized spiritual path. Whatever lies in front of us is a path that the Divine trusts us to walk and overcome. Adversity is the teacher we may don't ask or want in our lives but absolutely need. If we fail or make mistakes is more than okay. That's what makes us human! Adversity will not only test and teach us but simultaneously motivate us to get back up and try again. After we conquer it, we're motivated to push forward and be more confident for the next test.  

No one said life was ever easy and that's not at all a bad thing. The opportunity of growth and change lies within the doors we fear to walk through the most that bring obstacles. The easy route that contains nothing, but easy choices leads us to a hard life. It's the hard decisions and moments in life in which we realize our true strength. It gives us the tools to achieve our goals also as if it were a test to see how hard we're will to go for what we truly desire. 

Sometimes, it's our inner world that brings the toughest challenges into our lives. It's okay to be worried, anxious and even fearful. However, deep down, you'll find a sense of serenity within the storm of those negative emotions. While those emotions are normal, they often can be deceiving and scare us off. Don't let the situation seem too big for you to handle, instead, realize you are bigger than the challenge and the fear that follows it. Face the eye of the storm with a level of calmness that cannot be disrupted. It may take time to fully recognize and embody this but once you do, your perspective towards any obstacles changes forever. 

It may sound easier than it looks but, with deep sense of trust in ourselves, we begin to trust the challenges ahead. Trust is the one thing that can propel us further than anything else, especially when that trust is directed towards ourselves. As we trust ourselves to conquer what's right in front of us, we also trust the adversity to be of service to us. 

One tool that has helped me through tough times is meditation, especially when the adversity I'm facing is internal. It is what helps bring me back into the underlining calmness that is never lost. I focus on my breathing and the silence between each breath. If the biggest adversity I face is mental or emotional, I allow those thoughts or emotions to speak without suppressing them or identifying with them. I simply let them have their way as I observe. 

Observation, whether the issue is internal or external, is key to approaching any form of adversity. It's important to sit back and observe the issue at hand with a clear mind and neutral emotions rather than panicking. Through observation, we truly allow ourselves to see the issue in a wider perspective. We allow the details and the situation to show itself when we allow the problem to speak to us. The solution, often times, lies within the problem. I speak more about observation in my post about stillness!

It is important to recognize the role and lesson that adversity, of all types, tries to teach us. Through the confidence that lies within you, you can conquer anything in your way. What lies beyond adversity is the gold we seek; adversity is just the dirt we have to dig through to get it! 

Below, I have a link to a video of a poem from the great Kendrick Lamar. From the last track on To Pimp A Butterfly, Mortal Man, he recites a poem that talks about the adversity in the perspective of the caterpillar on its journey to becoming a butterfly. It perfectly represents this post in the form of a poem, enjoy!


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