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Showing posts from April, 2024

The Illusion of Separation, Suffering and Healing with Unity

 "Our separation from each other is an optical illusion" -Albert Einstein Our reality is filled with many different paradoxes and illusions, but none are as misleading as the illusion of separation. All our lives we've been taught that we're separate from our environment and are at a constant struggle against our surroundings. When I say surroundings, I don't just mean the place in where an individual is at but also the people and things that occupy that space. Today, we always are at odds with our surroundings and, in turn, create our own blockages from ultimate unity with all of existence. In this post, we explore the effects of separation consciousness, how it limits us from true power and potential and how we can escape the illusion of separation.  Unity Consciousness When you begin the Spiritual path, or the pathless path, you begin your realization that all things are connected. Everything is everything! This realization is the force that awakens tranquility