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The Illusion of Separation, Suffering and Healing with Unity

 "Our separation from each other is an optical illusion" -Albert Einstein

Our reality is filled with many different paradoxes and illusions, but none are as misleading as the illusion of separation. All our lives we've been taught that we're separate from our environment and are at a constant struggle against our surroundings. When I say surroundings, I don't just mean the place in where an individual is at but also the people and things that occupy that space. Today, we always are at odds with our surroundings and, in turn, create our own blockages from ultimate unity with all of existence. In this post, we explore the effects of separation consciousness, how it limits us from true power and potential and how we can escape the illusion of separation. 

Unity Consciousness

When you begin the Spiritual path, or the pathless path, you begin your realization that all things are connected. Everything is everything! This realization is the force that awakens tranquility from within and persuades us to bring about peace all around us. This is the key to how we can magnify the human experience for ourselves and others around us. The question remains; however, how do we start this process? 

Unity consciousness is only found and experienced from within. When we align all our energies from within (mental, emotional, astral, etc.), that is when we start to notice a shift in our perception. Perception is key in this process because unity is the ISNESS of life. Unity remains constant even when we don't see or experience it. We are all like radios with individual frequencies that can be tuned to whatever vibration we desire. Which means, it is OUR choice to align with unity consciousness and we ourselves must be the ones to initiate the path towards unity. 

Unity consciousness is achieved through self-knowledge. To know the Self or, in other words, Know Thyself, is to simultaneously know the infinite. The infinite in its formless state is pure consciousness before any manifestation and though comes to Being. We all have the opportunity to achieve such a state through a variety of meditative practices. Unity consciousness allows us to tap into an awareness that sees beyond the body, thoughts and individuality that the physical realm presents. We see how interconnected all of life is and how we don't live in nature but are actually one with it. We realize that our karma is connected to the collective karma of the world. 

To know of such wisdom will aid us in awakening from ignorance. Like I said before, unity consciousness starts with a decision to follow the flow of its path. Ignorance is what holds us back from walking this path and embodying unity consciousness. It's important to take this step not only for our own benefit but for the benefit of generations after us. Unity consciousness is always available to us if we decide to do what's necessary to obtain it. Part of that is making sure we create a firm foundation for those after us to experience it too through proper education. This isn't something we should just consider for our lifetime but for the various lives that come after us. By doing so, we give the opportunity to our children to create a more connected and peaceful reality than we've ever experience. Soon, they too will do the same for their children and human nature will continue to realize unity consciousness and its infinite dimensions generation after generation. 

Why are we separated?

The word 'Holy' is a play on the word 'Whole'. To become Holy is to become Whole from within and with the divinity that lies within us dormant. This knowledge, at least in the mainstream, has become lost to us in our everyday lives. It seems like year in and year out, we lose our connection to the divine more and more. To sever our relationship with the divine severs our path to transcending consciousness from within. Our consciousness is not only connected to the divine, but it IS divine. Consciousness is everything. Our consciousness connects us to the Earth, the plants and the animals. It also connects us to that not of this planet like the moon, the stars and different planets and galaxies. 

This knowledge has become forgotten and thus our conscious connection with Spirit is fading. The result of this ignorance leads to thinking God is limited to form, we eat foods that do not provide the nutrition our body needs, we destroy nature and its inhabitants, we glorify false gods and material items and we become slaves to the will of the ego which is naturally limiting to our experiences. We now rely on artificial means to keep us entertained. The more we are entertained and attach ourselves to entertainment, we give everything we have to fulfill pleasures and escape pain and failure, even when it's necessary. 

As I spoke about in my post about Sadhana, it is our duty to control our karma. However, when we turn a blind eye to that obligation, we fall to material pleasures and allow the world around us to dictate our lives and the karma that follows with each decision, which keeps us in a cycle of suffering. Suffering does serve a purpose until we realize it's roots. We can never realize the roots of suffering if we continue to be blinded by material pleasures. The reason we tend to be blind is that we don't take seriously the consequences of our actions, let alone words and thoughts. We have yet to become conscious of many parts of ourselves which have the potential to go many different directions and not being in alignment.

On the controversial side of things, there is an agenda in the world to separate us from our true power by giving us entertainment, material pleasures, drugs and other things that distract us from awakening. The agenda is to keep the masses confused and to direct the attention of the masses away from our inner nature because awakening always starts within. If we are too involved with the world around us, we'll never come to realize the world within us. To be overly involved with the material world and separated from the spiritual, we are more liable to be slaves to another's will and/or agenda which is happening now. (More on this another time!)

Healing from Separation 

The best ways to heal from division from the divine and the interconnectedness of all things is to spend more time with yourself and being in nature. Self-knowledge, like I spoke about earlier, is the key to transcending your consciousness and taking part in the evolution of humanity. Shadow work is very important in terms of understanding who you are and why you are attached to certain responses and thought patterns which affects your words, emotions and ultimately your actions. Understand that you are not your past and the trauma that may have stemmed from it. Also, know that you are greater than your body and mind! They are merely a tool and vessel to navigate and experience life as God manifest through the human experience. 

There are infinite parts of yourself and it's a lifelong journey to understand all parts, let alone bring them into alignment. Study yourself and seek knowledge that is made to help guide you along this experience. Engage in activities that help you grow and bring peace to your life, even if it may be uncomfortable at first. It's important to sever your attachment to material things and even people themselves. To be attach implies suffering. Eat foods that are made to energize and heal you. Get out in nature and understand the importance behind why nature is here to serve you and why you should serve nature. Hug and meditate under a tree, get plenty of sunlight and just be silent as the birds speak and the wind blows. Silence is where God speaks the loudest. Within that silence, you realize that God is you.    


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