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Showing posts from February, 2023

Awakening to Personal Transcendence

Who Am I?  Now, the question may seem straightforward, but there's actually way more substance to the question than you think. This is a question that has perplexed individuals for eons, including myself. Honestly, this question is the reason why I created this business and blog in the first place. There comes a point in life where we ask ourselves this particular question. It could be as young as our early childhood where we are unapologetic towards our expansive, creative and curious nature. Or, when we are graduating high school, thinking about the next steps in our journey into adulthood. Some of us don't ask this question until well into our adulthood and may experience a "mid-life crisis" in result of it. However, whenever the question is asked, it always comes with a deep thought, emotion and even great difficulty. In 2020, I asked this question and came to an answer that proved to be inadequate. "I don't know" was the first words that popped in m


 Hello beautiful souls! Welcome to the Mind Is Mine blog. My name is Houston Himes, a Mystic Psychologist with the desire to transcend consciousness for the evolution of humanity. In 2020, I realized this desire in the midst of a profound spiritual awakening that has shifted my life for the better. Through my growth, I've experienced many realizations that propelled me to envision world changing and world building services that'll change the course of humanity forever. As I continue on this journey, I want to open the doors of transcendence to all of humanity and usher in the next phase our of reality that is realized from within.  This blog is a tool to spread awareness of Mind Is Mine and its mission to stimulate a collective awakening of the greatness that lies within us all. We are all one. We are all one with the Creator. We ARE the Creator. This profound truth can revolutionize the way we see ourselves and move as individuals and, eventually, as a collective. But this tru