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The Relationship of Commitment and Consistency

"Without commitment, you'll never start, but most importantly, without consistency, you'll never finish." -Denzel Washington 

As human beings, we are constantly striving to create and achieve goals that helps us grow within this Earthly experience. These goals can range from a variety of things like creating music, graduating college, having a workout plan to achieve a desired physique, etc. However, what each goal has in common is that they require the relationship of commitment and consistency to reach completion. 

Speaking from personal experience, I've always been one to have trouble either committing to a particular goal or selecting a goal and not having the discipline to be consistent towards that goal. I learned that both commitment and consistency must go hand and hand. You cannot get to where you want to be without going all in and committing to it and the consistency of doing the necessary actions and having discipline to achieve your desired goal(s). To fully understand this relationship, we must know what true commitment and consistency looks like. 

When it comes to commitment, we must realize that we cannot play both sides against the middle. In other words, commitment is impossible if we cannot choose a side to stand for. This behavior reflects cognitive dissonance in which we say one thing but act in ways that goes against what we said before. How can we commit to goals, a relationship or the betterment of our lives when we be two sided, or paths, rather than pushing all distractions away to focus on what we truly want? 

For some of us, myself included, we tend to fear commitment because it requires a level of effort we probably never have experienced before. New goals require new experiences and that's frightening. Commitment is chaotic! When we make a commitment, we have to sacrifice a certain order that doesn't correlate with the goal(s) at hand and that reflects habits we engaged in prior to our commitment. We shatter our world, in a way, to make room for a new way of life that's in alignment with our commitment. 

Enter consistency! After we allow ourselves to make a commitment towards whatever goal(s) we have in mind, consistency is what honors our commitment. If commitment is chaos, consistency is order. Consistency is the habits, actions, thoughts, and emotions we need to engage in to reach the finish line. For example, after we commit to living a healthier life, we must create an order that aligns us with that vision of a "healthier life". If commitment showed us that processed foods, laziness, negative thoughts/emotions, etc needs to be eliminated from our lives; consistency shows us that we need to integrate fruits and veggies into our diet, the need for sunlight, reading books, meditate and surround ourselves with beautiful, like-minded people. 

Goals and desires can never come to be if we don't allow the chaos of tearing down our olds ways to bring in the new order in which we must abide by to reach them. We must stay discipline on this road to greatness, whatever that looks like to you, or we'll never reach it. We cannot allow temptations of the past to block us from achieving that greatness because all they do is derail the momentum we committed towards. We will make mistakes, we will experience failure, but these aren't excuses to quit. With each mistake or sense of failure we experience comes an opportunity to learn and become stronger and whimsical than before to propel us further on our journey.

Commitment is the destination we desire; consistency is the road map to get there. It's a process that takes constant sacrifice, discipline, deeper awareness and focus on a level we perhaps never have experienced before. It can be tough, it can be filled with adversity, and lots of patience but it takes us on a journey we'll never forget. TRUST THE PROCESS AND GIVE IT YOUR ALL!

The Pain of Regret hurts more than the Pain of Discipline!


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