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The Responsibility of Freedom

 "With freedom comes responsibility, a responsibility that can only be met by an individual."

All throughout our history, humanity has always been on a quest for a greater sense of freedom even to this day. We are beings that want to perceive the world in our own vision and express that in the way we choose to freely. We have been gifted with the necessary tools to help us create our own reality we desire it to be. However, an issue that we face today is allowing ourselves to be imprisoned by our own minds and bodies. Our thoughts and emotions hold us down through attachment to them which results in a fear to expand our current environment, internally and externally. 

The Greatest Form of Slavery is the One that is Enforced Within the Mind, Not by Others

These fears and inner blockages we allow to plague our being, and the direction in which we want to take our lives to go in, often reflects itself upon the external world. This may include allowing others to control our sense of direction and even blaming the environment around us for a lack of freedom aka "Victim Mentality". One thing we must learn is that our freedom is OUR responsibility and must be manifested from within and then reflected around us. 

Many of us call upon and even beg for greater freedom but turn the other cheek when we realize how much responsibility it takes to maintain that privilege. Some of us rather conform to the "authority" around us and put all powers in their hands to bring us that sense of freedom we all seek. We trade our God given right of free will for convenience and comfort which leads to manipulation and even slavery. Even the nations that have or are near totalitarian states are the results of slavery within one's mind instead of expressing the available freedom we have within us all. 

We must realize that us having the ability to govern our own lives comes with a price to pay. While free will is a birthright to all of humanity, it must always come with a sense of responsibility to maintain it and allow it to expand more through time. As stated in The Kybalion when talking about the Law of Cause and Effect, it says, "The Teachings are that a man may be both Free and yet bound by Necessity, depending upon the meaning of the terms, and height of Truth from which the matter is examined." Man is free but, with this freedom, he is bound by the necessity of maintaining it. 

When one seeks his or her purpose in life, one must realize the immense freedom they have to choose their path and that their destiny hasn't been determined. However, whenever they do find their destiny, they, by all means, do what's needed to achieve and maintain their purpose as long as they live. Through the realization and commitment must come constant sacrifices of energies that steer us off course. 

Many of us fall to fear and anxiety of this responsibility since it is the responsibility that governs our lives and purpose. Those that run or want to run away from these responsibilities must understand how much damage we do to ourselves but, also, the privilege it is. Life is a gift that we can freely express in our own way. The power of our lives lies within our hands, and we shouldn't want it either way! It's only through our commitment and the constant responsibility and sacrifice that comes with it are we able to fully exercise our freedom. 

I want you to think about your life purpose or even a goal or idea you want to express and achieve in life. Reflect on the emotions you feel towards this particular calling and know that you are free to bring it to reality through your own will. Know that you are not alone within handling these responsibilities and that the Divine is always at your aid. It is the Divine that gifted us this life and the freedom that comes with it. All we must do is play our part and take care of this precious gift through our responsibility towards it. That is our true power!


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