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What is True Wealth?

Wealth is a very broad term that can be perceived in many ways. The idea of what wealth is varies depending upon the individual, and even the collective. One thing I've noticed in today's culture, especially here in America, is that when the word "Wealth" is brought up, many resort to wealth being money and material items. However, I've learned throughout my journey that only thinking of wealth as money or any material object minimizes the true definition and vision of what true wealth is in reality. 

My spiritual journey has put me through a multitude of experiences which has reshaped my life in so many ways; one of those being redefining what wealth is and means to me. I've always been quick to visualize wealth as: being millionaire/billionaire, nice cars and clothes, the private jet, the yacht, etc. like many of us do. While these may be described as wealth in some way shape or form, that word holds more depth than just material objects and a rich lifestyle. 

Wealth goes beyond a lifestyle. Wealth is abundance, and abundance is our birthright! Many of us have turned blind to this truth and put ourselves in the position of chasing wealth instead of accepting and embracing the wealth we already possess since birth. Once we realize the wealth that lies in front of us, which is the very life in our beings that we're blessed with, we no longer will have the mindset that wealth is outside of us and needs to be sought after. 

The wealth (or poverty) that lies in front of us is only a reflection of how abundant our inner worlds are. So, it's very important for all of us to connect with our inner sovereignty and manifest the most abundant lives we can live. However, to do so, we must define (TRUTHLY) what wealth truly is and means to us so we can align ourselves with that vision through our thoughts, actions, emotions, experiences, and even the energies we surround ourselves with (people, places, things, etc.). 

What Is Wealth to Me?

Wealth is HEALTH first and foremost.

Wealth is family and friendship.

Wealth is giving back. 

Wealth is having nutritious foods that provide the necessary the energy for my Being.

Wealth is the roof above your head and the clothes on your body. 

Wealth is nature and all the wonders it does for us and the Planet. 

Wealth is the sunshine and rain that brings life everywhere it goes. 

Wealth is a child’s laughter and an elder’s wisdom.

Wealth is the wisdom of the past and the ambition of the future.

Wealth is the dreams we choose to manifest and live.

Wealth is new experiences that bring us new energies. 

Wealth is observation through Stillness. 

Wealth is the ability for our bodies to remain active and our minds to be still.

Wealth is the long conversations with substance that keep us up at night.

Wealth is the birth of ideas that change our worlds. 

Wealth is knowledge of Self. 

Wealth is community and support.

Wealth is healing from the past wounds we suffered. 

Wealth is the music that makes us move in joy and bliss.

Wealth is the doors our ancestors opened so we can walk through them. 

Wealth is GOD which is infinitely abundant.

Wealth is the first breath of life in the morning which is God’s greatest gift.

Wealth is knowing you are one with God which means you, too, are infinitely abundant.

True wealth is knowing all is available and possible in the present moment. 

Wealth is LOVE.

Claim your abundance today. Manifest and create more abundance. Inspire others to be abundant and spread abundance. You ARE abundant! 

Now, I ask you...

What is Wealth to YOU?


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