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The Art of Storytelling

You are in control of your own narrative! 

When we think of the word 'storytelling', our mind often goes straight to stories out of books, films, plays and even games we play. But what we must realize is the fact that as we live our lives, we are creating the story of who we are and our destinies in real time! To realize this also helps us become aware that we are co-creators of this reality, objectively and subjectively. We, as individuals and a unit, continuously help create God's creation. As we help God write the story of the cosmos and the material reality, God helps in the development of our story. 

God, being the deepest part of us, is the creator of all things, including ourselves. It is our natural ambition and duty to create since God lives within us. Whether it be art, new ideas, problem solving, and even just becoming a better person, our desire to create is always active. If you aren't creative, then you aren't human!

Every human being has the superpower of creativity. However, in today's society, we aren't taught to nourish this ability and tend to lean more on our practical, analytical skills. While rational, left-brain thinking is a valuable tool, it isn't what fuels our creative desires. In fact, too much rationality hinders our ability to connect with our creative which also disconnects us from our ability of storytelling. Our education system doesn't show us the magic behind our creativity but rather us focuses on us following a strict way to be educated and if we don't comply, we fail. Looking at the world through the lens of rational eyes only cannot and will not make sense of the world. The world is bigger than just science and only objective facts. It's getting in tune with our subjective perspectives in which we see the truth of the world, not just one or the other.

Once we connect with our creative side, we see the world in a different way than ever before. Instead of always trying to figure out how the universe works, we work with the universe to help write its story while we're here. In a reality that's always changing and never taking a pause of stagnation, we must use our creativity to shift with the universe. Our story shifts with the universe because the story of ourselves is one with the universal story of existence. Through these times of shifts, God gives us the pen to co-create what these shifts teaches and how we conquer them. Our creative storytelling can even cause the shifts around us, and we create a shockwave throughout the cosmos. Once we have a vision towards what story we wish to write for ourselves, the universe conspires in our favor to help bring about our vision to reality.

One thing that's been constant throughout the human story is symbolism and how they bring us deeper meaning within life and its stories. Symbolism in storytelling is what helps us understand stories and the lessons that come with it. The meaning of the story can lie within the various symbols it presents us. Symbolism is present all around us today. We look around at all these companies and organizations and that their energy and meaning can lie within their logos. When we see a Nike swoosh or the three stripes of Adidas, most people around the world can recognize what the logo means, especially if we own their products. The collective can look at the logos and recognize the overall story behind their brand and their purpose, but these symbols can be very personal since we may own their products or partake in their services. From there, the symbols take on a more personal meaning to us and we form our own individual meanings behind them that co-exist with its original meaning. 

Anything can be a symbol, a person, place, situation or thing. Even the paintings and the spaces in which live, or worship, can tell a story through the symbols placed throughout the space. Symbols can hold objective meaning in which we all can recognize or can affect someone more personally than others where others may not understand in the slightest. They have their own language that speaks its meaning to us differently while also having elements recognizable to all of us. Besides the logos of corporations and organizations around us, religion and different cultures have their own symbols that influence us in various ways. 

Symbolism can be found heavily in within our religions and forms of spirituality worldwide throughout all of history. Perfect example being that of Jesus Christ. Jesus, and his crucifixion, can be a symbol of going through the pains of sacrifice to transcend suffering and be born again. The cross has become one of, if not, the most recognizable symbols of all human history because of the meaning and story behind it. The Buddha is another symbol. He is a symbol of transcends through stillness and finding harmony within the pause of each moment and sound that takes place within reality. Though all religions express their stories differently, they all bring us stories and metaphors that bring us together and help us understand the infinite in a way our brains can comprehend. 

One story that sticks to me is the Adam and Eve story. The story touches on many subjects: vulnerability, the story of creation, pride, temptation and that the knowledge of good and evil lives within each human being. By eating the apple, Adam and Eve we're aroused by temptation which led to them being casted out of the Garden of Eden and starting the fall of humanity. With the knowledge of good and evil, we've become like Gods and now have free will to either follow God or follow our pride. This, while in some cases is portrayed as bad, is a remarkable story that reflects just how powerful we are because of free will and ability to discern good from evil. 

The collective conscious holds many stories and symbols, such as the Mandala, that have helped guide us towards the path of wholeness, within and collectively. We must respect these stories, whether they truly happened or not, since they hold timeless lessons and meaning that can affect anyone of us. On the flip side, it is our individual stories and how they connect to the collective stories in which makes our storytelling so much more interesting. The wisdom from life lessons becomes a foundation to build greater, more conscious life choices for a greater life experience. With this wisdom, we begin to shape our lives in a way that brings us closer to wholeness within and sharing our wisdom with those who need it which brings us together as a unit. 

Look back at your life and ask: what wisdom does the past of my individual journey, along with the journey of humanity, teach me? How can this wisdom help me and us as a unit grow more consciously? How can I write a better story starting within the present moment for myself and reflect it around me?

Your life is your story. You are the commander of your own destiny with the help of the universe around you. Set a vision for yourself by getting in touch with the deepest part of yourself and then create what you truly desire to experience. What cannot be controlled is meant for your co-author to take care of while you remain patient. Know that the better you write your story, the better your story will reflect and inspire humanity around you! 

"There is no greater agony in life than bearing an untold story inside you" -Maya Angelou



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