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Showing posts from December, 2023

I'm Spiritual but Just Not Today...

I'm not perfect. No one is. However, I've found a sense of gratitude and growth through facing my imperfections and turning them into lessons for myself and others, especially those on the spiritual path. One thing I must admit is that I struggle with the consistency needed to fulfill my dedication to the spiritual path. I'm sure I'm not the only one with this issue. However, this issue can resonate for the ones that have a certain desire to bring about something in their lives but struggle to be consistent with it.  It can be tough to wake up in the morning and go about my routine to promote a well energized day. I usually wake up before or right at dawn, shower, meditate, write, stretch and get a workout in before I head to work. Throughout the day and going into the evening, I like to write down any ideas towards future endeavors and listen to podcasts or audiobooks. However, lately it's been tough for me especially when it pertains to my spiritual path and growt

Transcendent Relationships

Relationships in the human experience are one of the most important aspects of life. We all seek them instinctively and that's completely normal and what's right. Our culture and society today could never be if it wasn't for the relationships we made in the past and even today. One thing I've noticed, however, is that within all our relationships (past, present and future), there lies a greater possibility. A possibility of personal and collective transcendence. For us to awaken to those possibilities and opportunities of growth, we must shift our understanding of what relationships mean and why we have them in the first place. Not just relationships of boyfriend/girlfriend or marriage, but the relationships with families, friends, the workplace, nature and everything that's part of the environment around us and, most importantly, within us.  Reimagining the Meaning of Relationships When you hear the word "relationship", what comes to mind? Picture it. Man