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Showing posts from August, 2023

The Relationship of Commitment and Consistency

"Without commitment, you'll never start, but most importantly, without consistency, you'll never finish." -Denzel Washington  As human beings, we are constantly striving to create and achieve goals that helps us grow within this Earthly experience. These goals can range from a variety of things like creating music, graduating college, having a workout plan to achieve a desired physique, etc. However, what each goal has in common is that they require the relationship of commitment and consistency to reach completion.  Speaking from personal experience, I've always been one to have trouble either committing to a particular goal or selecting a goal and not having the discipline to be consistent towards that goal. I learned that both commitment and consistency must go hand and hand. You cannot get to where you want to be without going all in and committing to it and the consistency of doing the necessary actions and having discipline to achieve your desired goal(s). T

What is True Wealth?

Wealth is a very broad term that can be perceived in many ways. The idea of what wealth is varies depending upon the individual, and even the collective. One thing I've noticed in today's culture, especially here in America, is that when the word "Wealth" is brought up, many resort to wealth being money and material items. However, I've learned throughout my journey that only thinking of wealth as money or any material object minimizes the true definition and vision of what true wealth is in reality.  My spiritual journey has put me through a multitude of experiences which has reshaped my life in so many ways; one of those being redefining what wealth is and means to me. I've always been quick to visualize wealth as: being millionaire/billionaire, nice cars and clothes, the private jet, the yacht, etc. like many of us do. While these may be described as wealth in some way shape or form, that word holds more depth than just material objects and a rich lifestyle

The Responsibility of Freedom

  "With freedom comes responsibility, a responsibility that can only be met by an individual." All throughout our history, humanity has always been on a quest for a greater sense of freedom even to this day. We are beings that want to perceive the world in our own vision and express that in the way we choose to freely. We have been gifted with the necessary tools to help us create our own reality we desire it to be. However, an issue that we face today is allowing ourselves to be imprisoned by our own minds and bodies. Our thoughts and emotions hold us down through attachment to them which results in a fear to expand our current environment, internally and externally.  The Greatest Form of Slavery is the One that is Enforced Within the Mind, Not by Others These fears and inner blockages we allow to plague our being, and the direction in which we want to take our lives to go in, often reflects itself upon the external world. This may include allowing others to control our sens